Allowing Yourself to be Fit

Thinking About Forming Healthy Habits

Allowing Yourself to be FitBeing fit is really a matter of your attitude to life and how you value yourself. It’s easy to be overtaken by the habit of thinking badly about yourself – Yes, it’s just a habit! – and you can break it by changing the way you think. It can make all the difference between fitness failure and fitness success.

So how do you swing your thinking from fitness failure to fitness success and keep it there?

You don’t need to set goals for yourself. When you set a goal you create an expectation that comes from desire. It’s too easy set a goal that you do not believe in your heart you can achieve, and not accomplishing a goal often leads to feelings of disappointment, failure and resentment. Goal-setting can be useful as well, but it’s another skill to learn so to make a start, be easy on yourself.

Instead, you can simply decide to move the direction of fitness and wellness. Develop a new habit of thinking well of yourself, enjoyment in the process and self esteem. Each will follow on naturally from the other in a continuing circle.

Break Your Habit Easily

First, Assess the way you think about yourself. If you think of yourself as being unable to stick to a fitness program, or someone who is constantly struggling to lose weight, decide to think different thoughts. You can do this by asking yourself a series of questions.

Supposing being slimmer is what you want, ask yourself what would it take to do that? Hold that question in mind and go inside, look to your own higher consciousness for answers. It’s amazing what you can discover. You can apply the questions to every aspect of fitness you want in your life. This works best if you make the decision to take time for yourself on a daily basis to explore your inner thoughts. When you make a regular practice of taking even a small amount of time for this you will discover many things. To materialize and experience them you must take action of course, but it will be the natural result of the process.

How to Break a Habit Easily

If you can develop the habit of thinking how you CAN do and enjoy the necessary things for your own fitness and happiness – taking action just becomes your way of life. Let your powerful conscious mind really concentrate on a new habit – getting rid of the old un-helpful thoughts by allowing no room for them.

Further Thoughts on Habits

True enough, a habit feels like some kind of an addiction. Maybe your particular habit does not demand you be rehabilitated, but it may have some negative influence on your life in general.

Habits are patterns of behavior that you perform frequently and they may eventually become routine. One example is, brushing your hair when it’s wet could be something you like to do after shower. If you constantly do it without making a mindful decision, it’s a habit. What if someone tells you that it’s unhealthy for your hair? Can you stop doing it right away or do you find it hard to get used to not doing it?

It does take time to develop a habit; it doesn’t develop overnight. So don’t be surprised when you can’t seem to break old habits or stop the bad ones right away. However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible you can get rid of a habit easily. It can be done so long as you put your heart into starting the new ‘good’ and stopping the ‘bad’. Remember how you began – you had to start doing it. The same holds true with quitting; you just have to stop doing it. Perhaps this is easier said than done, you are thinking. If the new habit is already in your unconscious then let your powerful conscious mind really concentrate there.

The sense of urgency and the severity of the possible consequences of not changing may help. If you have the right perspective on your recurrent behavior you will understand that starting anew should work in any case.

Start without the drama and fuss over whether it is possible to do it or not. Further procrastination and too much contemplation only causes paralysis by analysis. In addition, delaying is also a strategy of your subconscious mind so don’t trust it. The sooner you can start you new habit of a healthy life, the better.

All the Best with allowing your new self to flower!